Arkansas Entity Name Search To Create A Company

Category : New Business Setup
Posted On : 23rd May 2019

What are the criteria to seek a distinguishable name to file a business entity in the state of Arkansas?

A distinguishable entity name is a name that is not presently existed in the existing Secretary of State Arkansas database. The state of Arkansas provides following entity name check features to search a proposed name prior to filing with the Arkansas secretary of state to avoid rejection of a business name.

  1. Check Arkansas entity name by a corporation type and entity name such as benefit corporation, domestic for profit corporation, domestic nonprofit corporation, domestic cooperative, domestic limited liability company, domestic limited liability limited partnership, domestic limited partnership, domestic limited liability partnership, domestic general partnership, foreign for profit corporation, foreign nonprofit corporation, foreign cooperative, foreign limited liability company, foreign limited liability limited partnership, foreign limited partnership, foreign limited liability partnership, foreign general partnership, foreign business trust, unincorporated nonprofit corporation, bank, insurance company, name reservation, domestic public water authority, Video service provider and the international student exchange visitor placement organization registration.
  2. Arkansas entity name search by a fictitious name.
  3. Arkansas entity name search by a registered agent name, city and the state.
  4. Arkansas entity name search by a filing number.

What is the purpose of an identifier?

The identifier such as a corporation, limited liability company or an L.L.C is used to identify the corporation type for the tax and banking purpose.

How soon the state of Arkansas reply for a preliminary company name search?

It is instant online.

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