Apply online Business Licenses All fifty states, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico

$ 99.00 + State Filing Fees

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  • Document Filing in Your State

Get every state and local Business License online now!

Business licenses are permits issued by the government agencies that allow individuals and companies to conduct business within the government′s geographical jurisdiction or authorization to start business. Business licenses vary between countries, states, and local municipalities. There are often many licenses, registrations and certifications required to conduct a business in a single location.

In order to operate your business, you must comply with a wide range of local, state and federal rules.You may subject to significant fines and penalties if start business without acquiring a proper business license

Why choose to obtain your business license? is an independent business filing Service Company and not affiliated or associated with any government agency.

  • We can prepare all required documents to obtain your license from the government agencies.
  • We are very cost effective because we know the rules and procedure to obtain your license in a reasonable time.
  • We are a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals.
  • We are in the business for over a decade.
  • You can click on the BBB and seals to read reviews about our services.

How do I get a license?

To be licensed to perform work, licensees may be required to complete an approved course of study or document experience at acceptable levels. You may also be required to take a written – and for some, a practical – examination. Exams are held periodically. You may take an exam for any barber or appearance enhancement discipline; hearing aid dispenser; home inspector; notary public; real estate appraiser, salesperson or broker; private investigator or watch, guard or patrol agency; or to be an installer of fire alarm systems. The practice of some of the listed occupations requires the possession of both a practitioner and business license.

Do I have to renew my business license?

Licenses are required to renew before or on due date to conduct business otherwise you may subject to fine and penalties by the government agencies.

Ready to Order

We will prepare, complete and file these administrative tasks quickly and effectively, all you need to do is complete our simple order form.

Please feel free to contact our representatives to guide you via telephone +1-866-754-4460 or email at for more detailed information.

What makes a great option to form an LLC?

We believe that your job should be handled by a professional, just as a doctor can only prescribe medicine to a patient. Your LLC formation requires the services of an attorney, certified public accountants, and enrolled agents. Our team is comprised of EAs and CPAs.

  1. We share the features of a limited liability company.

  2. We put together paperwork to establish your LLC.

  3. Forms are filed with the states to register your LLC.

  4. Your taxes can be taken care of by our tax experts.

  5. Our tax experts are able to assist you in planning.

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Our customer service number is 1+(516).822.3100.