Register an Entity Assumed Name

$ 65.00 + State Filing Fees

File Entity's DBA File Sole Proprietorship

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How does a sole proprietorship or assumed name differ from a legal entity that is distinct from a person's personal identity?

A sole proprietorship or a DBA have distinct characteristics from an entity. To help you decide if this design is suitable for your business, we will describe the benefits and risks below. We will also present the comparison below with a separate entity to help you select the best structure for your business.

  1. A sole proprietorship is registered with the county clerk's office in most states, however, in some states it is registered with the secretary of state.
  2. A DBA is not the same as a sole proprietorship. Although a DBA can be filed as an additional name for a legal entity, it is not automatically protected because it is a part of the legal entity.
  3. If you're looking for a risk-free hobby or business, a sole proprietorship may be suitable for you.
  4. The registration of a sole proprietorship under your name means you are personally liable for any accidents or mishappenings. The risk of losing your assets in a sole proprietorship is always there.
  5. An employer identification number is optional for a sole proprietorship. An employee can only be hired with an EIN. Ownership of a sole proprietorship is prohibited from payroll, whereas an employee is not.
  6. Profits are taxed as personal income for the owner, which prevents corporations from facing double taxation.
  7. Unlike an entity a sole propritership does not have a characterstics to convert from a corporation to an LLC or vice-versa.
  8. As opposed to an entity, ownership cannot be transferred. Thus, it must be dissolved to terminate the business.
  9. In contrast to an entity, a sole proprietorship doesn't need to renew its license every year to run a business.
  10. A sole proprietorship does not have to file beneficial ownership information like a legal entity.
  11. An annual return is not necessary for a sole proprietorship unless your business makes a profit. Whether a business generates income or not, it is necessary for an entity.

Conclusion:Using the information above, you can choose the most appropriate design for your business. Although we are professionals, we are not affiliated or associated with any government authority.


What is the motivation behind using to establish a sole proprietorship?

Our team of CPAs and EAs can provide you with advice on the characteristics of a DBA and review your documents to ensure they are filed with the authorities correctly.


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