How to register a company in Puerto Rico

How to register a company in Puerto Rico

Company Name Search

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Register corporation in Puerto Rico with The Department of State of the Government of Puerto Rico (DOS)

Do you want to do business in the state of Puerto Rico as a US-Resident or Non-US-Resident?

Residency or citizenship is not required to do business in the United States rather anyone can register do business in the United States regardless of the immigration status.

Steps to register a company in Puerto Rico:

  1. Company name search with the state of Puerto Rico and the proposed name of the company must be available to incorporate a corporation in Puerto Rico.
  2. File online articles and state filing fee with the state of Puerto Rico to register a company.
  3. Generally, state of Puerto Rico approves the article same day unless they need additional information.
  4. No consent is required to incorporate a professional corporation like New York and a few other states.

Other Related Services for Puerto Rico to do business: 

 Certificate of good standing | Certificate of Existence to check if the corporation is legally registered and in a good standing in Puerto Rico.

  • Annual report filing of the corporations must be filed every year in order to conduct business in Puerto Rico.
  • You can file an amendment to change Puerto Rico existing corporate name.
  • Foreign entities Puerto Rico to expand business in the other state.
  • Common business structures in Puerto Rico are Corporation, LLC, Partnerships, Foreign Entities, Non Profit Organizations and Professional Companies.
  • A company name can be reserved in Puerto Rico if you are not ready to open a company in Puerto Rico. It will be reserved for the limited period only.

Apply for Tobacco and Vapor License: helps to acquire tobacco and vapor licenses for the state of Puerto Rico. Sales tax registration in Puerto Rico is required in order to apply because it is subject to collect sales tax.

Accounting and Bookkeeping: also provides accounting, bookkeeping and tax filing services to maintain business in the state of Puerto Rico.


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