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Alabama Business Registration | Alabama Business Licenses

All types of business entities are filed with the Alabama Secretary of State where as the licenses and permits are obtained from the Alabama Department of Revenue or the local authorities.

We advise to consult an attorney for the legal questions and certified public accountants for the tax planning because the legal and tax laws are very complex in the USA.

State of Alabama is one of the states that believe in the technology and most of the services file electronically for faster filings.

A local resident of the state of Alabama is required to register business in the state of Alabama. It is a wrong conception or interpretation of the Alabama laws that a company can be registered as per the wish.

Alabama Secretary of State Services:

Alabama Corporations | Alabama Limited Liability Companies | Alabama Limited Partnerships | Alabama Foreign Entities | Alabama Free Name Search | Alabama Company Name Reservation | Alabama Company Annual Reports | Alabama Certificate of Existence | Certificate of Withdrawal | Alabama Company Domestication | Alabama Company Conversion | Alabama Business Entity Record Copies.

Alabama Department of Revenue Services:

Business Privilege License | Alabama Store License | Alabama Municipal Business Licenses

Why choose for the State of Alabama Business Registration? is a private agency and it is not associated with any government authority. We file documents with the different government agencies as a representative . operators are available online 24/7 for the customer support. We respond to all inquiries within 24-48 hours.

Choose One Of The Following Links To Proceed For A Business Name Registration or Licenses In The State of Alabama:




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