What is the importance of a business name search in a detail by on the internet and the other available sources?
- Confirming the availability of a business name search is one of the keystones to establish a business, it defines your business description to a potential client.
- It helps to avoid delay, rejection and the future expected legal action for using a similar name which is already trademarked nationally or internationally.
How to pick a business name?
- It should not be too long.
- A user can easily remember, pronounce and vocalize.
- It must be available for the trademarking.
- A domain name must be available to advertise business online.
What is the process to check the name availability of an entity in Colorado?
- The availability of an entity name can be checked online instantly at the Colorado Secretary of State and U.S.P.T.O websites.
- The The United States Patent and Trademark Office process is a very complex compare to the Colorado secretary of state, but it is highly recommended for the eCommerce businesses to check prior to a business name registration in the state of Colorado to avoid wasting money on the advertisement and future lawsuits. The U.S.P.T.O is a an agency which approves the patents and trademark registration.