If you are not ready to incorporate or form a limited liability company (LLC), but would like to reserve/secured your business name, Infotax Square offers state Name Reservations. Once a name you selected for your company is available, we can reserve/secured that company name for you for a certain period of time. Allowed reservation time frames depend upon the state. The name of a corporation, LLC, limited partnership (LP), limited liability partnership (LLP) or nonprofit corporation must be distinguishable on the records of the state government. If the name is not unique, or if it is already in use by another business formed in that state, the state will reject the formation documents.
We offer free service of searching to see if the company name you want to use is currently available in your state. This no-obligation search usually takes one business day to complete. If the company name is available you can reserve it or use it to form a Corporation or LLC. We would be happy to help you accomplish this.
kris rivera
19th Mar 2016
to reserve my company name give the right to open up a business account at my bank?