A Compilation requires the assembling of financial data from your accounting records and presenting, in the form of financial statements, information that is the representation of management (owners) without undertaking to express any assurance on the statements. The information gathered may also help in determining your need for additional accounting services. A compilation will provide the assistance needed to prepare meaningful financial statements.
Many businesses find our compilation and bookkeeping services valuable because it provides them with quality accounting records at a minimal cost. Banks often require compilations from an independent CPA as part of their lending covenants. Infotax Square can help you meet this need in a timely fashion.
With the rising costs of personnel, many businesses are turning towards outsource accounting services. Depending on your needs, our bookkeeping or compilation services may be just the thing to keep your accounting records on track without breaking the bank. In most cases our services will cost only a fraction of the cost of hiring a full-time accountant.
11th Feb 2018
Received a State of Wisconsin Dept. of Financial Institutions DELINQIUENT notice of annual report filing requirement. Please send me a paper copy in order for me to pay the balance due. I am not able to pay on line. Donna Tollefson Lake Beauregard Association, LTD. 11666 Beauregard Lake Road. Solon Springs, Wi. 54873 Thank you! Donna Tollefson