ALBANY, N.Y- The Business Corporation Law and Not-for-Profit Corporation Law have been amended regarding the procedures for filing Certificates of Dissolution with the Department of State. All Certificates of Dissolution for corporations that have done business in the City of
The source of this information is New York State Department of State
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Jason Harris
12th Apr 2013
Hello, I am contacting you to see if you are able to help - we are an Australian registered company working mainly in the Wine Industry. We have seen rapid demand for our products in the US wine market. We would like to set up a US Trading bank account to the US and grow our US business. We contacted HSBC Bank and they advised that we need to obtain a 'authority to do business in the US' Can you help us with this process? Is the information given to us by HSBC Bank correct? looking forward to hearing from you. Best regards - Jason Harris