How to convert a single member or a disregarded entity to a multi member LLC?
Single Member LLC:
If the LLC is created with a single member or owner is called a single member LLC. Single member LLC, owner reports profits and losses on Form with the Internal Revenue Service.It is also called a disregarded entity.
Converting a Disregarded Entity:
File form 8832 with the Internal Revenue Service for Entity Classification Election of the disregarded entity. Multi-member LLC file form 1065 as a corporation or a partnership to report profits and losses.
Preparation of Form 8832
- Name of eligible entity making election
- Number, street, and room or suite no.
- City or town, state, and ZIP code
- Type of election
- Type of entity
- Consent or signatures from all owners, members or stockholders
Form 8832 is only submitted to elect the tax status with the Internal Revenue Service not for changing the company structure.The Limited Liability Company will remain LLC and Corporation will remain a corporation. There is a time limit to change the entity classification.
arpit kanotra
4th Mar 2016
i want to incorporate a LLC for my website making and web development business. I am from India . What would be the procedure?