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Category : > Articles Directory To Open A Corporation in The USA
Posted On : Wed Oct 20th,2010



What is the DBE program?

The DBE program is a federally regulated program that is required on all federally assisted contracts. The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) is a recipient of federal funds and, therefore, administers the DBE Program on all federally funded highway construction contracts.

Federal Regulations-

An explanation of the federal regulations for the DBE Program can be found at the US Department of Transportation's Web site: Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) program

Who Regulates the DBE Program?

The US Department of Transportation (USDOT) regulates the DBE Program across all 50 states. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is one division of the USDOT and which has oversight responsibility on all Highway and Bridge Construction Contracts that utilize federal assistance. NYSDOT administers the DBE program on all NYSDOT Administered Contracts for federally assisted highway and bridge construction projects. All local municipalities who are sub-recipients of federal funds for transportation related construction contracts are also required to abide by the same requirements of the DBE Program.


It is the policy of NYSDOT to ensure nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, sex or national origin in the award and administration of the USDOT assisted contracts. It is the intention of NYSDOT is to create an equitable environment in which DBEs can compete fairly for contracts and subcontracts relating to the procurement, contracting and professional service activities of USDOT assisted work.

Federal vs. State Programs -

The Federal DBE Program is a separate program and subject to different requirements than the New York State Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Women-owned Business Enterprise Program (WBE). The MWBE Program applies only to 100% NY State funded construction contracts, therefore, it does not directly apply to federally funded contracts. For more information on the MWBE Programs, please refer to the following Web link: Minority and Women's Business Enterprise (MWBE) program

DBE Goals -

NYSDOT establishes DBE goals for construction projects that are consistent with its long-standing, published procedures. These procedures, which have been approved by the Federal Highway Administration, consider on a contract-by-contract basis the types of work to be performed, the geographical location and work specialties of available DBEs, in the establishment of contract level DBE goals.

DBE Opportunities -

NYSDOT publishes construction contracts for bidding which including some smaller value contracts (less than $1,000,000) which are targeted towards providing direct bidding opportunities for small business firms including DBE and MWBE firms. The smaller scale of these contracts allow for smaller bonding requirements, fewer different types of work to complete, and lower overall risk for small firms. Therefore, these contracts are listed with 0% DBE goals as it is believed that DBE firms will be more likely to be successful in competing on this level of work

New & Improved DBE Solicitation Request Method -

NYSDOT has implemented a Web-based contract bidding service called Bid Express (BidX). As part of the service, there is one module entitled "Small Business Network" (SBN) which can broaden the solicitation network used by prime contractors in their quest for DBE price quotations. Please go to the NYSDOT Web page on Small Business Network to learn how DBEs can obtain pre-paid service accounts for Small Business Network.

How to Become DBE Certified?

To find out how a firm can become certified as a DBE, please call us or an email.

DBE Supportive Services - To learn about NYSDOT's program of outreach to potential DBEs and efforts to remove obstacles encountered by DBEs, please go to our DBE Supportive Services Web page.


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Comments (1)
jerry watkins   wrote on : Fri Dec 11th,2015
looking for a company that set up DBE in california      View Detail
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