What is the eligibility of Form 8832?
An eligible entity uses form 8832 to elect how it will be classified for federal tax purposes, as a corporation, a partnership, or an entity, disregarded as separate from its owner. An eligible entity is classified for federal tax purposes under the default rules unless it files form 8832 or Form 2553, election by small business corporation, to elect a classification or changes its current classification.
- If you have an LLC (Limited Liability Company) and wants to file taxes as an S-corporation then file form 2553
- If you have an LLC (Limited Liability Company) and wants to file taxes as a corporation then file form 8832
Roberta Breeden
6th Jan 2010
I just got inc. but I am not an S-Corp. I still have to get a new ein # and how do I add on S-Corp. to my Inc