File a Sole Proprietorship in Suffolk County NY

Category : DBA / Assumed Name
Posted On : 15th Aug 2016

Who Must Apply For A Fictitious Name in Suffolk County NY?


  • If you are conducting business under an assumed name as a sole proprietorship, you must complete and file a Certificate of Conducting Business Under An Assumed Name for an Individual form.
  • To file a business name, you need to complete the necessary documents.
  • Register Sole Proprietorship in Suffolk County is the simplest form to start a business.
  • A Fictitious Name Registration is not required for a person's legal name, corporation name, limited liability company name, or limited partnership name.
  • An Assumed Name registration in New York is not required as a pre-requisite to filing a corporation, an LLC (Limited Liability Company)or a LP (Limited Partnership).

  Requirement to Register a Business Name:

  • Check the business name availability in Suffolk County, NY to ensure the name you are going to submit to the state is available. You can send a request using free business name search online form.
  • Fill out the online form to register an assumed name for New York with your complete name, business name, business address, business description and payment information.
  • Processing time- You can check the current state estimated time at to file a fictitious name in Suffolk County.
  • You can use our customized forms to file online 24/7.
  • You can use the fee schedule by using the following links to register a dba New York.
  • An assumed name is not a business license.
  • You can use the fee schedule by using the following links to register a fictitious name in NY.
  • The use of words, which denote more than one person, (i.e. "associates", "and company", "group", etc.) are not permitted when filing a business certificate for assumed name as a sole (individual) proprietorship.
  • If you are purchasing an existing business registered with the County Clerk and wish to keep the same name, the previous owner(s) need to file a Certificate of Discontinuance form before you register your business certificate.


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