Category : DBA / Assumed Name
Posted On : 9th Aug 2016


You can either apply for a dba license under the corporations, LLC or under your legal name as a sole proprietorship. DBA files either with the state or county. Sole proprietorship is a simplest, way to start a business.

 The requirement to Get A DBA or a DBA License in the USA:


  • Business name search to ensure that the name is not already registered with the state or county
  • Notarize by the owner (if applicable)
  • Filing with the county or state
  • Owner name and address
  • Business address
  • Business description
  • Legal notice or publication in the newspaer (if applicable)
  • State or County processing time to File A DBA-You can check the current estimated time to File your DBA on We have 24 hour service available in some states
  • You can use our customized online forms to apply online 24/7

   You can use the following links to check the prices of your state and county or call us for the free consultation

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