A corporation files taxes based on the date that was mentioned on the Form SS4 or when applied an EIN electronically with the Internal Revenue service.
Generally, A taxpayer has following options to file business taxes:
- Sole Proprietorship Business Tax Due Date - An owner of a sole proprietorship generally files taxes on or before April, 15 of each year. :
- C-Corporation Tax Due Date - The stockholder(s) either elect a fiscal or a calendar year end, however, it was mentioned on the Form SS4 at the time of applying the employer identification number.
- S-Corporation Tax Due Date - Generally, An S Corporation files taxes by March, 15 of each year or otherwise requested for a fiscal year end with the Internal Revenue Service. Whereas, the stockholder(s) file taxes on or before April, 15 of each year.
- Limited Liability Company Tax Due Date - Generally, A Limited Liability Company files business return on or before the April, 15 of each year, so do members if the LLC.
- Limited Partnerships Tax Due Dates - Generally, Partners of the limited partnerships file tax returns on or before April, 15 of each year.