The gain is calculated based on the company's fair market value (FMV) when it distributes non-liquidating assets to its shareholders. Here's how it works:
- The corporation receives a profit if the FMV of the distributed property is higher than its adjusted tax basis. The gain is regarded as if the property was sold at FMV.
- Shareholders receive the recognized gain which leads to an increase in their share capital.
- A loss cannot be recognized by the corporation if the FMV of the distributed property is lower than its adjusted tax basis.
- At the time of distribution, the FMV of the distributed property is the shareholder's basis in it.
Here is an illustration for your explanation:
- An 'S-Corporation' distributed to "S" more than his share in the corporation.
There were no accumulated earnings or profits for the 'S' corporation.
What is the correct way for 'S' to handle the distribution beyond its basis?
- It is imperative to classify it as a capital gain.
- The stock's basis is reduced when an 'S' corporation with no accumulated earnings and profits makes distributions.
- Any distribution exceeding the adjusted basis of the stock is considered a profit from the sale or exchange of the property.
- Capital gain is a result of the S-Corporation stock being considered a capital asset.
Another instance is if an S-Corporation transfers a non-liquated asset to its stockholer.
When an S-corporation sells equipment with an FMV of $20,000 and an adjusted basis of $0, it recognizes a $20,000 gain that is passed on to its shareholders. The property will be valued at $20,000 by the shareholder who receives the equipment.