North Carolina Annual Report Filings

Category : Annual Report Filing
Posted On : 25th Nov 2017

What is an Annual Report North Carolina?

Every business owner doing business under Corporations or Limited Liability Companies is required to file an annual report North Carolina every year with the North Carolina Secretary of State.

What is the due date to file a North Carolina Annual Report?

North Carolina Annual Report is to be filed  Annually by April 15 with the North Carolina Secretary of State.

What happens if I do not file North Carolina Annual Report?

State of North Carolina will administratively dissolve or revoke your company and you cannot conduct business in NC until you file all past due annual reports of NC.

How would I know if my annual report NC is due now?

  • General, Secretary of State North Carolina sends renewal messages prior to its due dates.
  • You can also mark your calendar to file annual report NC on time to avoid the late filing penalty, admin dissolution or revocation.

How to file Annual Report North Carolina?

You can file North Carolina Annual reports online or by mail.

Does' State of North Carolina has a requirement to file an Initial Report on a new business?

No, there is no such requirement for a new business to file an initial report with the North Carolina Secretary of state.

Which entities are required to file an annual report in North Carolina?

  • North Carolina domestic and foreign corporations
  • North Carolina domestic and foreign limited liability companies
  • North Carolina domestic and foreign limited liability partnerships
  • North Carolina domestic and foreign professional corporations and professional limited liability companies
  • North Carolina Non Profit Corporations do not file annual reports
  • North Carolina Charities annual report filing depend on the donation received

Make sure you file your annual report on time to keep your North Carolina Company in Good Standing!

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