An Ultimate Guide to Create a Limited Liability Company Instantly
It is very important for a business owner to choose a right structure for the business to save taxes and provide a protection to the owner. There are many different business structures to incorporate your business such as a Sole Proprietorship, Corporation, Limited Liability Company, General Partnerships or Limited Partnerships. Each business structure has advantages and disadvantages as well as tax consequences of which you should be aware.Louisiana Secratary of state does not advise you the best business strucuture for your business, and for a professional advise you consult a tax practitioner, accountant or attorney.
The Limited Liability Company is the most popular business structure to form due to the following reasons.
- It is flexible and easy to manage.
- It can be used as a corporation or an S Corporation for the tax purposes.
- It can be maintained through an operating agreement, prepare by the management, although it is not required to form an LLC in the state of Louisiana.
Check the Name availability of the Limited Liability Company in the Stat of Louisiana:
Following Information is required to file an Articles of Organization in the state of Louisiana:
- Search By Entity Name
- Or Charter Number Or Trade Registration Number Or Name Reservation Number
- Or Officer Name Or Agent Name
The LLC name must be distinguishable to start an LLC in Louisiana, because you cannot file a name which is already registered with the secretary of state, and an active company.
- The name of the Limited Liability Company
- Purpose of the company is formed
- The duration of the Limited Liability Company
- You can also add the additional provision in the articles, if not listed in the standard articles.
Limited Liability Company initial report including;
- The name of the Limited Liability Company
- The location and the municipal address and P.O Box is not acceptable to set up an LLC in Louisiana.
- Registered agent name and address.
- Mailing address
- Name of the members or managers
- Signature of the organizer
State Processing Time
Estimated time is 2-3 working days, including the Limited Liability Company Name reservation in Louisiana.
LLC Formation for a Non US Resident
A non US resident can also form an LLC in Louiana without a social security number and physical presence.
arpit kanotra
4th Mar 2016
i want to incorporate a LLC for my website making and web development business. I am from India . What would be the procedure?