Reason for rejection trademark application

Category : Knowledge Center of Nationwide Trademark Registration In The USA
Posted On : 7th Apr 2016

Reasons to reject your trademark application by the USPTO

Refusal – Likelihood of Confusion:

Registration of the applied-for mark may be refused because of a likelihood of confusion with the mark, similar in appearance, sound, connotation and commercial impression and the description of the Goods stated in the application and registration at issue, not on extrinsic evidence of actual use.

Specimen Refused:

Application may be rejected because the specimens in international classes consist of material used by applicant conduct its business transaction and thus does not show the applied-for mark in use in commerce for each international class.

New Drawing Required:

The drawing may be not acceptable


The applicant must disclaim the wording including describe an ingredient, quality, characteristic, function, feature, purpose, or use of applicant's goods and thus is an unregisterable component of the mark.

Mark Description Incomplete:

The applicant should provide the complete mark description.


Any significance in the industry in which the goods are manufactured/provided or as applied to the goods described in the application.


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