There may be many reasons why your business entity has has been forfeited
- Franchise Taxes were not filed
- Annual or Biennial Reports were not filed
- State returns were not filed
- Periodic Reports were not filed on time
How to reinstate a forfeited business entity?
First you have to find out the reason why you business entity was forfeited and follow the protocol instructeed either by any professional you have retained to bring it in a good standing or secratary of state office. You have a limited time to reinstate your company before it is permenantly forfeited by the secretary of state. can help you to find out the reason of forfeiting your business enity completely free. Please call us at 1(516) 822.3100 or email at
Nashib Umer
(Original Author), Inc. All Rights Reserved
15th Mar 2016
Me and a friend/business partner are opening up our own boutique. We'll be launching a website later this year in hopes of opening up a store front within a few years. I'm not sure if it would be okay just to apply for "partnership" and then later down the road if we do open up a store; we can apply for "LLC" ....?