The accrual method or basis of accounting records income in the period earned and records expenses and capital expenditures such as buildings, land, equipment, and vehicles in the period incurred.
The purpose of the accrual method of accounting is to properly match income and expenses in the correct period.
In order to accomplish this, the accrual method of accounting records revenue as earned when the product and/or service is shipped or rendered and invoiced (billed) to customers. Likewise, expenses and capital expenditures are recorded as incurred when the product and or service is shipped or rendered and invoiced (billed) by the supplier.
11th Feb 2018
Received a State of Wisconsin Dept. of Financial Institutions DELINQIUENT notice of annual report filing requirement. Please send me a paper copy in order for me to pay the balance due. I am not able to pay on line. Donna Tollefson Lake Beauregard Association, LTD. 11666 Beauregard Lake Road. Solon Springs, Wi. 54873 Thank you! Donna Tollefson