Wyoming Annual Report Filings

Category : Annual Report Filing
Posted On : 26th Nov 2017

What is the Wyoming Annual Report?

Every business entity of Wyoming files annual report each year to update or maintain accurate records with the Wyoming secretary of State such as owner(s), registered agent and other necessary information are listed n the annual report form.

What is the due date to file Annual Report  Wyoming?

State of Wyoming's Annual Report can be filed online or by mail with the Wyoming Secretary of State on the first day of the anniversary month when your entity was created. You will be directly notified by the Wyoming Secretary of state prior to your annual report due date.

What happens if you do not file an Annual Report of your business entity in the state of Wyoming?

Wyoming secretary of state reserves a right to dissolve your company within 60 days after the due date, if you do not file annual report of your company.

Does state of Wyoming require to file an Initial Report?

No, Filing Initial Report  of your business entity is not applicable in Wyoming.


Which Wyoming entities are required to file an annual report?

  • Wyoming Corporations
  • Wyoming Non Profit Corporations
  • Wyoming Statutory Close Corporations
  • Wyoming Limited Liability Companies
  • Wyoming General Partnerships
  • Wyoming Limited Partnerships
  • Wyoming Limited Liability Partnerships
  • Wyoming Limited Liability Limited Partnerships


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