General Partnership Click me

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Business Overview

NOTE: The Standard State / County fees is being charged with this application. However, additional filing fees may be charged according to your state / county, the fees will be paid to your state / county not to Infotax Square. If applocable, Infotax Square representative will call you to disscuss additional fees.

1. Enter the address at which you plan to operate under this partnership.
(NOTE: Must provide a PHYSICAL address (ie. no PO Boxes). Address must also be INSIDE THE COUNTY you seek to file with).

2. Additional counties in which you plan to operate under this partnership:
(NOTE: Rules vary from county to county so additional counties could result in add'l fees)


Payment Information

(Max 250 character)
Yes, I have read and accept the above terms and condition. (Please Select before submitting the form)
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