Benefits of Registering a Trademark

Category : Knowledge Center of Nationwide Trademark Registration In The USA
Posted On : 29th Aug 2009

There are numerous benefits to registering a trademark and utilizing the trademark services of a lawyer. Registering a trademark heightens the protection it receives, deters others from using your trademark, and increases the remedies should someone infringe upon the trademark. Using a trademark lawyer increases the likelihood of receiving all of the benefits discussed below;

* Registering a trademark provides greater Protection.

* Registering a trademark deters others from using your trademark.

* Registering a trademark provides the trademark owner with greater remedies.

When can an application for registration of a trade mark be made?

An application for trade mark may be filed at any time immaterial of the fact whether the trade mark has been used, being used or proposed to be used.

Who should file trade mark applications?

Any person who is the owner of trade mark using the trade mark or proposes to use the trade mark may apply for registration. The owner may be an individual, partnership, company or organization.


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