Yes. you or any other individual who meets the state requirements and who agrees to act as agent for the company may serve as Registered Agent. However, keep in mind that the Registered Agent's name and address are made part of the public record. It may be advantageous to use a professional registered agent service if your business is a home based or retail business. Further, you will be allowed to change your actual business address without having to file a change of agent address with the state.
InfoTaxSquare provides registered agent services or resident agent services in all fifty states. To sign up with us for the above mentioned services please click order now button or for additional information read more.
For any assistance can be called at +1 (866)754 4460 or email at
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George Smith
2nd Feb 2011
I am a Florida resident. However when I formed the LLC in the state of Delaware. I believe that I must register with Florida to run the business out of my current residence in Florida, Escambia County. It is an Internet Sales operation, with no intended inventory (drop ship). Could you set me up for doing business in Florida. I'm going to need everything required. (Registered agent and so forth) I would appreciate your response as quick as time permits. Sincerely, George R Smith 850-637-8774