Characteristics and the responsibilities of a Registered Agent?
A registered agent is the person appointed to accept legal documents on behalf of the corporation. If someone sues you, the papers will be served on the registered agent at the "registered office".
Some states use the term "resident" agent. Corporations and L.L.Cs must choose a person to act as their registered agent. There are no restrictions regarding who can be a registered agent other than the person must be located and available at a physical street address within the state during normal business hours.
A registered agent address cannot be used to open a bank account or advertising purpose, if this service is provided by a third party. Additionally, it's not a virtual address that is used for the business activities.
George Smith
2nd Feb 2011
I am a Florida resident. However when I formed the LLC in the state of Delaware. I believe that I must register with Florida to run the business out of my current residence in Florida, Escambia County. It is an Internet Sales operation, with no intended inventory (drop ship). Could you set me up for doing business in Florida. I'm going to need everything required. (Registered agent and so forth) I would appreciate your response as quick as time permits. Sincerely, George R Smith 850-637-8774