Dba / Assumed / Fictitious Name Filing Click me

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NOTE: The Standard State / County fees is being charged with this application. However, additional filing fees may be charged according to your state / county, the fees will be paid to your state / county not to Infotax Square. If applocable, Infotax Square representative will call you to disscuss additional fees.

1. Enter the assumed name that you would like to register today:

2. Enter the address at which you plan to operate under this assumed name (NOTE: Must provide a PHYSICAL address (ie. no PO Boxes). Address must also be INSIDE THE COUNTY you seek to file with).


Payment Information

(Max 250 character)
Yes, I have read and accept the above terms and condition. (Please Select before submitting the form)
Do you want to subscribe to notify you for Filing Deadlines & create a Free Business Listing in our Business Directory?

Review order information before submit to process.

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