What is a Corporate Kit binder and what does it encompass?
A Corporate Kit and Seal Binder is a complete package designed to aid businesses in arranging and maintaining their important corporate documents.
A binder called a Corporate Kit has essential items needed to maintain and administer a corporation or an LLC. Complying with the formalities of your corporation is necessary after it has been formed. The formalities involve holding initial and annual meetings of directors and shareholders, approving bylaws, and issuing shares of stock. Our KIT is comprised of the necessary items to make it simple to comply with these formalities.
A kit contains the following documents:
- The ownership in the company is represented by stock certificates.
- The use of an embossed seal to authenticate documents is called a corporate seal.
- Corporate meetings and the company's governing rules are documented in Minutes and Bylaws.
- A record of stock certificate transfers is maintained in the Transfer Ledger.
- A durable binder is needed to organize all these documents.