NY Retail Beer and Wine licenses

Off Premises $600.00 & On Premises $700.00 + Filing Fees

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New York Retail Beer and Wine License

A retail Beer and Wine licenses are required for any business selling off premises beer and wine. You are required to present license to buy from your distributors. Every state has different requirement to issue license. We are highlighting few requirements to obtain Off-Premises Retail Beer and Wine Licenses.

Requirement: If you intend to sell beer or wine or if you intend to Furnish beer or wine in the cost of other goods or services, you must have a retail permit to sell beer and wine It is a crime to operate a business that should have a retail beer and wine permit without first obtaining the permit
Good moral character: The applicant, all employees, and all principals must be of good moral character. The applicant cannot have had revoked a beer and wine permit in past. When a license or permit has been suspended or revoked, no partner or person with a financial interest in the business may be issued a license or permit for the premises concerned. No person within the second degree of kinship to a person whose license or permit has been suspended or revoked may be issued a license or permit for the premises concerned for a period of one year after the date of suspension or revocation.
Age and Residence: The applicant must be at least 21 years of age, must be a legal resident of the United States, and must have maintained his or her principle place.
Location: The location of the proposed place of business must be suitable for the sale of beer and wine. The Department may consider, among other factors, the proximity to residences, schools, playgrounds, and churches.
Newspaper advertisement: The applicant may be asked to run advertisement his or her intention to apply for the beer and wine permit in newspaper.
Renewal of License: All license holders are required to renew licenses before expiration.

Ready to Order

We will prepare, complete and file these administrative tasks quickly and effectively, all you need to do is complete our simple order form for NY Retail Beer and Wine licenses.

Please feel free to contact our representatives to guide you via telephone +1-866-754-4460 or email at support@infotaxsquare.com for more detailed information.

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